A chairde, The RCCEA new council met at the end of May and each officer and member are excited to start in their new roles.All regional reps have made contact with their teachers and look forward to helping our region post covid.
Online grade exams will take place in June in Slovakia and in Dubai and France in July. Russia is hoping to run live feiseanna in the fall and Germany may have its first grade feis in October all going well with opening up again.
Our region is looking forward to our Oireachtas in Munich on November 5th to 7th where the local school hopes to run a grades feis too. Congratulations to all schools who took part in Feis na Bealtaine, a successful online feis run by Sweeney McAvinchey. It was great seeing dancing from our region online in our parade of champions. Well done to parents, teachers, dancers and organisers. As we return to dance studios across much of our region after a 7 month break I wish you all the joys of Irish dancing that we missed – friendships, dancing together, working together and creating wonderful things in Irish dance. Enjoy these moments. We have missed them very much. Keep dancing over the Summer,
Our region is looking forward to our Oireachtas in Munich on November 5th to 7th where the local school hopes to run a grades feis too. Congratulations to all schools who took part in Feis na Bealtaine, a successful online feis run by Sweeney McAvinchey. It was great seeing dancing from our region online in our parade of champions. Well done to parents, teachers, dancers and organisers. As we return to dance studios across much of our region after a 7 month break I wish you all the joys of Irish dancing that we missed – friendships, dancing together, working together and creating wonderful things in Irish dance. Enjoy these moments. We have missed them very much. Keep dancing over the Summer,
Slán go foill,
Mary Sweeney
Chair of RCCEA
Chair of RCCEA